Dr. Ahmed Shokry Abdelaleem is a research engineer at the Centre for Applied mathematics (CMAP), Ecole Polytechnique -L’x, Palaiseau, France. In the CMAP, he contributes to the chair of “Data Science for Process Industry” to improve control and monitoring of industrial and chemical processes. He also participates in the Chair of "AI and Predictive Maintenance" to develop machine learning-based methods to detect early signs of degradation in Lithium-ion batteries.
Dr. Shokry holds a MSc and a PhD in process engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, and achieved his post-doctoral studies in Prognostics and Health Management of energy production systems at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. He received the 2022 excellence award in computer aided process engineering form the European federation of chemical engineering (EFCE).